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Writer's picture:  Bishop T -Everton Thomas Bishop T -Everton Thomas


Hey! Grace and Peace,

Welcome to my new blog. I hope you will find the posts inspiring and informative and empowering. Check back often for updates, especially during this pandemic of COVID 19.

And please remember, if you are a believer to walk in faith, not fear...

"For God hath not given us the spirit of fear, but of power, and of love, and of a sound" mind. 2 Timothy 1:7

Here we go...


As I sought the Lord for a Word for last Sunday, this is what He gave me to share. RESET! So I titled the message… “We Need a MINDSET RESET”, with Psalm 51 as the text.

According to Wikipedia, “a factory reset, also known as master reset, is a software restore of an electronic device to its original system state by erasing all of the information stored on the device in an attempt to restore the device to its original manufacturer settings. Doing so will effectively erase all of the data, settings, and applications that were previously on the device. This is often done to fix an issue with a device, but it could also be done to restore the device to its original settings.

Since a factory reset entails deleting all information stored in the device, it is essentially the same concept as reformatting your cell phone or the hard drive of your computer. A factory reset effectively destroys all data stored in the unit.”

We have become so intelligent that we have complicated the simplicity of God’s Word. He created the human race and mandated us to be fruitful, multiply, replenish, subdue and have dominion over created things for our own development. But instead, many have chosen to exercise dominion over one another. We have literally messed up the divine order of God’s creation.

Have you ever seen a businessman start a company, grows it into a multi-million dollar establishment and eventually hands it over to his son, who, instead of building on that established foundation and launching the business to a higher level, he messes it up and destroys it by slothfulness or consuming it upon his own lusts? Or he refuses to inherit the business from his father because he wants to “carve out his own niche”? Well on many levels that’s what we have done. God gave us an established platform with everything we need to succeed, but instead of running our lives on His “operating system”, we’ve gone astray trying to create our own niche! Now, does that make sense? Of course not.

But thank God; like David, He is not destroying us… He’s using COVID 19 to give us another chance, another opportunity to start all over again. He’s inviting us to “HIT THE RESET BUTTON!

Isn’t it interesting that a factory reset is also known as a master reset? "Well, the Master has our full attention with the coronavirus, declared a global pandemic by the World Health Organization." Billionaires, millionaires, the rich and famous, the poor and destitute, saints and sinners alike; everybody is watching and waiting with bated breath.

It’s time to hit the RESET button. We cannot go on this way. Nations against nations; fathers and sons against each other; mothers and daughters against one another; murders, character assassinations, bitterness and strife; unrighteousness and the list goes on. Has the stench reached God’s nostrils?

Is he repulsed by our folly and His indignation boiling over because we are destroying ourselves when He has given us everything we need to succeed?

It’s Time for a MASTER RESET to the original factory… or FATHER settings, that will erase the overload of junk… the corrupted files of evil thoughts and deeds which have become our new normal.

Let’s get back to our original spiritual state by crying out to God for mercy like David? Then, be still and receptive... accept His finished work as He creates a clean heart in you and renews the right spirit (Psalm 51:10). Do not resist as He resets your mindset... only then will you be able to sincerely "sing aloud His righteousness and show forth His praise" (Psalm 51:14-15).

In my next post I will share on “Overcoming Fear.”

Bishop Dr. C. Everton Thomas OD - Presiding Bishop, Emmanuel Apostolic Church

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Mar 24, 2020

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