About Our Bishop
Presiding Prelate of Emmanuel Apostolic Church Int'l.

Senior Pastor & Presiding Prelate
Some may know him as "Bishop", others as a cutting-edge leader, a singer, songwriter, musician, and businessman, still others a beloved father, brother, uncle and faithful pastor. No matter your point of reference, Bishop Dr. C. Everton Thomas is well known throughout Jamaica, and in several countries around the world. He was born in Kingston, Jamaica on March 18, 1956 and is the fifth of nine children born to Bishop S.U. and Mrs. Joyce Thomas.
He transcends tradition and is able to reach diverse people of various backgrounds, cultures, and denominations.
Bishop Everton is married to the love of his life Jillian for thirty-seven (37) years, who is now the Co-Pastor of the Portmore assembly. Together they are the proud parents of two grown children, Brandon and Tiffany and one grandson, Sebastian. Recently, they included Chantal and Jewel in their loving family.
A Brief Pastoral History
Thomas became the Assistant Pastor for the Emmanuel Apostolic Church, 12 Slipe Road, then pioneered the fast-growing branch in Portmore. Today he pastors both assemblies and also serves as the Presiding Prelate of the organization with oversight responsibility for 40 churches in Jamaica and the USA.

Bishop has ministered in several countries across the globe including England, Canada, Venezuela, the USA, Africa and the Caribbean.
Thomas has a holistic vision and believes that entrepreneurship is a proven pathway out of poverty.
In 2016, he was invited to the White House to represent Jamaica and the Caribbean.
In 2017, the honorary degree, Doctor of Divinity, was conferred on Bishop Thomas from the CICA International University and Seminary in New York.
And in 2017, he received an Ambassadorial appointment, Order of Minister Statesman from WOLMI (Word of LIFE MINISTRIES INTERNATIONAL), which has been given rights to appoint Ambassadors to the United Nations, at large and to Inter-governmental bodies.

I'm too blessed to be stressed; too blessed to be depressed; too glad to be sad; too anointed to be dissapointed; too legit to quit.